Friday, December 9, 2011

Decisions, Changes.. Life in general.

I have a few major decisions placed before me. Im not really going into detail with any of them, but just know that I have a lot of soul searching and a lot of praying to do. But my life could or could not take the most amazing turn. I have been through a lot, a lot of tears and a lot of questions. I have lost a lot and could lose more, who knows. 

The gym is going really good. I am thankful that I am able to go. I need to tone up my arms and stomach so I don't look like a bat after my surgery haha.

I know I have said this before, but the scriptures are absolutely amazing. I am learning so much. Doctrine of the church just blows me away with the more that I read. I just had the most amazing conversation with my friend Shannon. I love deep convos with friends.. it makes me realize how amazing it is to have people like that in your life.

Thats about it. Short and sweet. :)


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