Saturday, January 7, 2012

Uno, Dos, Tres..

After my last few blogs being some what depressing (sorry about that), I decided it's time for a good ole fashioned rant. Well not so much a rant, okay I lied, it is a rant. 

Rant numero uno.

Let me start with my glorious new bi-pap machine. For those of you who have no idea what that is, let me elaborate. It is a machine with a mask that pushes air into my lungs. The mask covers my nose and mouth and when I breathe in more air is pushed and when I breathe out it slows down. It has a humidifier in it to make sure that I am getting the right amount of moisture while breathing. I have to wear this monster to ensure that I breathe at night. After 2 sleep studies, we found out that I quit breathing on average 8 times an hour- that is until I start to dream, and then I stop about 25 times an hour. Scary right?  So I use this air torture device every night. Okay. Let me explain something.. I am claustrophobic- meaning that tight places or small places are no bueno, and this thing makes me feel like someone has their hands over my nose and mouth... I go to sleep feeling somewhat okay, until I have to sneeze, itch my nose, cough or speak for that matter. Ive been sick for a week now so all of those things are bound to happen at least once while I am asleep. So as I am attempting to get comfortable, the tubing is laying across my face, because of course I am the wierdo that can't sleep on my back. I am twisting and turing trying to maneuver a good sleeping position while wrestling with this tube. Then I remember, oh shit, I can't breathe! I don't know what in the world makes my mind think that I can't breathe while I have a good steady flow of air going into my lungs. So then I proceed to rip the mask off of my face. I start gasping for air as if I have been deprived for an hour. I look down at the machine, that I am now convinced was trying to kill me, and decide, Im just going to turn it off. It is no good. I don't need this.. (yeah right) then I remember, oh yeah, they monitor if it is on or not, and my oh-so-awesome insurance will charge me if I have it and I am not using it. Great. Night 1 I received maybe 2 hours of sleep total, and 3 nice panic attacks. Night 2, I received more sleep, but I just let the stupid thing run without it being on my face the entire night. Sneaky sneaky. :) 

Rant numero dos.

My lovely job. My job that I love so much, it hurts. Rightttt... I hate my job haha.. I mean who does not say that? So after taking all of our perks away, failing to staff correctly, and taking away our holiday pay, I mean really what is there not to like? Lets add that everyone is quitting... just waking out in the middle of their shift or not coming in at all. Instead of having at least 30 seconds between phone calls it is non stop back to back phone calls. So on Thursday, I needed to be off work in the morning so I could go to my appointment to pick up the death machine or bi-pap and get set up on it. I sent in the request on Monday- denied, my manager sent it in Tuesday and escalated it, denied again. Their reasoning? They do not have enough people staffed.. and how is that my fault? So they are denying medical time off requests because they do not know how to manage staffing? I guess on Thursday they had 50 calls in the queue and a 10 minute wait, so after being on long calls all day long I now also have pissed off customers yelling and cussing at me because they had to wait- which is also not my fault. They are not staffing adequately because they are over budget.. why are they over budget? because instead of hiring more hourly paid employees to actually take care of our customers, they hired salaried employees to do stupid shit like, run our Facebook page. Really? The company really has went down hill- really really quickly. Time for a new job. 

Rant numero tres.

My ex husbands logger beard. What the freak is going on with his face? Im sorry, but when I saw the picture I just laughed. Not only has his choice in women DRAMATICALLY changed but he now looks like he should be on the show American Loggers. I was kinda shocked, because when we were together he was clean cut, but now.. I have not the foggiest why he thinks that looks good. Oh well, she has to look at him not me I guess. I don't really care but he has done some things recently that are kinda shocking to me. Of course he probably has said the same thing about me. "Well she became a Mormon and moved to Utah.." lol 

I digress.

I think that is all of my rants today, I should do this more often, it feels awesome to let it all out!!!

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